Post Injury Trauma in Forth Worth, TX

How Our Fort Worth Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor Addresses Traumatic Injuries

Traumatic Injury treatment in Fort Worth

Could an old, traumatic injury be adversely impacting your health? Traumatic injuries like whiplash can cause pain and health problems for years or even decades after the injury first occurred. Unfortunately, conventional medical care can fail to fully understand the connection between a traumatic injury to the head and cervical spine and the pain that patients later experience in their hip, lower back or legs.

Our Fort Worth Chiropractor, Dr. Chris Michlin, is the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in North Texas. Dr. Michlin understands how a traumatic injury to one part of the body can lead to health problems in another. No matter how many years it has been since your accident, this trauma can still be impacting your quality of life.

Chiropractor Treats Traumatic Injuries to Spine

In addition to his board certification in Atlas Orthogonal adjustments, Dr. Michlin also has advanced certification is whiplash care. Dr. Michlin, uses Atlas Orthogonal adjustments to adjust the atlas vertebra, the top vertebra in the cervical spine. This is also the vertebra that is most impacted by traumatic injuries like whiplash. Properly aligning this vertebra can bring the head, spine, and hips back into alignment. Atlas Orthogonal adjustments remove nervous system interference, opening up the flow of communication between the body and the brain.

Atlas Orthogonal Success Story for Old Trauma Injuries

Dr. Michlin has had the privilege of helping a patient who had been suffering from debilitating pain for years. The patient had injured herself while practicing gymnastics at a young age. Despite receiving treatment for her injury, she continued to suffer debilitating health issues. For six years she could not walk without excruciating hip and back pain, sit comfortably in her high school classes, or sleep at night without a heating pad. Doctors prescribed hydrocodone so the patient could make it through the day. She was later diagnosed with fibromyalgia and prescribed Cymbalta.

Finally, a Houston neurologist recommended the patient receive an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment. After Dr. Michlin adjusted her, she left the office 15 minutes later pain-free. Thanks to Atlas Orthogonal adjustments, she now lives her life pain-free without the need for any prescription medications. You can read more about her journey back to health here and the difference that Atlas Orthogonal care made for her life.

Start Your Journey Back to Health Today

At Back To Health Family Chiropractic, you will find a team who cares deeply about your well-being and understands the connection between past traumatic injuries and your current pain. Dr. Michlin and his wife, Nancy Michlin, who is a co-owner, the CEO, and a certified health coach,, have dedicated their lives to helping patients just like you take back control of their health. Dr. Michlin understands the overwhelming frustrations of chronic, untreated pain. Most importantly, our whiplash chiropractor believes that Atlas Orthogonal adjustments are a more effective option for alleviating and eliminating pain rather than relying on pain medication to “cover up” this pain. We put whole body health first!

If you are suffering from pain due to an old injury, it is never too late to get healthy. Call Back To Health Family Chiropractic at %CLIENT_NUMBER% today to schedule an appointment.

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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


By Special Arrangement



