Chiropractic Success Stories Post Trauma

Learn About Post Trauma Treatment with Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustments

Dr. Michlin, at Back to Health Family Chiropractic, has no doubt been absolutely the BEST thing that has EVER happened to me. I have been a gymnast since I was five years old, and had just made the biggest step of my career in 2010, becoming an elite gymnast. However, an accident when I was ten years old on the Vault back in 2007, where I smashed my entire skull into the front supporting cylinder metal pole, little did I know, would end my athletic/gymnastic career and the dream I had put my entire heart into.

In 2010, I began to have hip and lower back issues. My coaches put it off and claimed that it was a torn hip flexor for the longest time, so I pushed through the pain for a few months until I could barely move anymore. I finally laid off of gym for a little while, and for the following year and a half, I saw the best Sports Medicine Orthopedic Specialist in the country, and his physical therapist partner. For an entire year they could not figure out what was wrong with me, and I was prescribed hydrocodone to make it through the day all of my freshman and sophomore years in high school.

The following six months, they claimed that the problem was my hip that was affecting my back, causing my back muscles not to function at all and my left hip to fall out of place. For the next six months, I was in intense physical therapy, and was then told I was fixed and if I continued to do my home exercises I would be able to continue with my passion, gymnastics.

I made my comeback for six months, and I remember the crashing to the floor unable to move with all of my muscles locking up in my back and shoulders the last day I ever was able to do gymnastics. For the next year, I saw a head neurologist in Houston, who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and prescribed me Cymbalta. That only put a Band-Aid over the problem though.

A year later, about a month ago, May 2013, I went back to refill my Cymbalta. However, she had made a discovery that has now, four weeks later, changed my life forever. She recommended atlas orthogonal, we did some research, and found Dr. Michlin. In only one adjustment, I left his office fifteen minutes later, PAIN FREE. I don t ever remember being pain free.

All I’ve known for the last six years of my life was pain, some days not being able to move at all, the terrifying feeling of so much pain I was unable to move or scream for help in my bed, having to sleep with a heating pad on my back and bend my knees up every night or I wouldn’t be able to move in the morning, agonizing pain in the desks at school, as well as even moving from class to class, etc. THIS HAS CHANGED MY LIFE.

I have now been off of my Cymbalta for three weeks now, and have not taken any pain medication, AT ALL. I have now held my adjustment for a week and a half now, and am very hopeful, for the first time EVER.

I had honestly given up, and just embraced that my neurologist told me plainly that I was already developing arthritis, and the fact that I would probably have to have a hip replacement and be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life in the years to come. My hip had nothing to do with it, though. No one had ever looked on the other end of my spine. Dr. Michlin did.

Not only has he fixed and changed my life, he has made me feel like I was not all alone, and the family environment given by him, his wife and business partner Nancy, and their receptionist Tina, is beyond incredible and very calming. Both mentally, and physically, I am better, and PAIN FREE.

I’m seventeen, and for the very first time I can remember in my life, I am able to say without a doubt, I am PAIN FREE and BACK TO HEALTH.

17 Year Old Female, Student, Beaumont, Texas

Adjusting Her Atlas Removed Post Trauma and Scoliosis Pain!

Carol was told she had scoliosis in grade school. She did not seek treatment at that time. In 1978, she was in a car accident and went through the windshield. The accident caused whiplash, neck trauma, and scoliosis pain. She sought care from a neurologist and another chiropractor. Carol continued to suffer until she found a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist. She says that her treatment at Back To Health Family Chiropractic makes all the difference!

My Atlas Orthogonal Experience

Ten years ago when I was 14 years old, I was struck by an automobile while jogging. I was knocked through the air about 70 yards and landed on my head. I broke several bones and suffered many internal injuries. I have had 10 years of pain and suffering.

Until recently, I was unaware that I had also suffered severe whiplash from this incident. I was told that I had the worst case of whiplash the doctor had ever seen. Because of the trauma that I sustained, I have suffered from all sorts of pain, all over my body.

I tried several different types of doctors and different procedures to get relief. Anything from basic chiropractic care to acupuncture. I found that nothing I tried was successful in relieving my pain. I was told about Atlas Orthogonal treatments from a relative and decided to give it a try.

I have been under Dr. Michlin's care for three months and have found more relief from his treatment than I have found from any other treatment I have undergone in the past 10 years.

Thank you Dr. Michlin.

24 Year Old Female, Clerical Administration, McKinney, Texas

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