Concussions FAQs

Concussions are traumatic brain injuries resulting from head trauma. The reality of having a concussion is much closer than you think. From sports injuries to minor slips and falls, concussions can occur anywhere. At Back To Health Family Chiropractic in Fort Worth, TX, we understand your worries and questions about concussions.

What Are the Symptoms of a Concussion?

If you have ever had a concussion, you might recognize these common signs – pounding headaches, disorienting dizziness, confusion, memory lapses, or increased sensitivity to light and noise. Further symptoms may also include changes in your mood and behavior and various other neurological challenges.

How Long Do Symptoms Last?

Concussions don’t follow a strict timeline. They linger differently for each person. Sometimes, they can last from days to weeks, months, or even years, disrupting your life unexpectedly.

Can I Get a Concussion if I Remain Conscious?

Yes, loss of consciousness is not a requirement for a concussion diagnosis, and most concussions occur without loss of consciousness.

Can You Prevent Concussions?

While it is impossible to prevent all concussions, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. Wearing the proper protective equipment, following safety guidelines, and making smart choices can help minimize the chances of sustaining a concussion.

Are Concussions Only Sports-Related?

It’s not just athletes who face this danger. Concussions can occur in various situations, including slips and falls, car accidents, workplace incidents, and recreational activities. We often hear about sports-related concussions, but they can happen just about anywhere.

Can You Have Long-Term Side Effects?

The aftermath of a concussion can be enduring. Some victims may experience long-term effects known as post-concussion syndrome. Symptoms often persist for weeks or months and can include persistent headaches, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and changes in mood or sleep patterns. If improperly treated or untreated, post-concussion syndrome symptoms can last years to a lifetime.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Here’s where we come in. It’s impossible to have a concussion without an impact on your neck, specifically the upper cervical region. When your neck and spine are thrown off balance, that will contribute to concussion symptoms, including headaches, neck pain, and dizziness. Dr. Chris Michlin is an expert in assessing and adjusting these misalignments using the Atlas Orthogonal spinal adjustment technique. This technique uses a gentle and specific tap behind the ear to adjust the top-most vertabrae in the spine, the Atlas (C1) back into proper alignment. Aligning the Atlas allows the rest of the spine to follow suit, creating a positive impact on the central nervous system and allowing for improved blood flow.

Proper blood flow is crucial for the brain’s healing and recovery after a concussion. Specific MRI imaging of where the head meets the neck, the Craniocervical Junction (CCJ), has shown that misalignments of the atlas often contribute to reduced blood flow to the brain. Atlas orthogonal adjustments have been shown to improve blood circulation by easing restrictions and enhancing the function of blood vessels.

Schedule an Appointment at Back To Health Family Chiropractic

Concussions are severe conditions that require immediate attention and treatment. At Back To Health Family Chiropractic, we are your partners in this journey to recovery and wellness. Call our Back To Health Family Chiropractic team in Fort Worth, TX, today at (817) 810-9111 to learn more.

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