MS Explained

Chiropractic Care for Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

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Back to Health Family Chiropractic works with many Fort Worth patients who suffer from a variety of conditions which affect their ability to function freely and enjoy life. We help patients find relief through specific upper cervical (Atlas Orthogonal or AO) chiropractic for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) related symptoms, chronic lower back pain, fibromyalgia, and scoliosis. MS is an autoimmune disease which causes inflammation and plaquing that can damage the brain and nerves in the spinal cord. Ensuing neurological damage can create symptoms in various parts of the body, depending on which area of the brain and spinal cord is affected.

Predicting the course MS will take in any one patient is difficult due to the complexities of the nervous system. Sometimes there is just one symptom that stays stable for many years. In other cases, symptoms may worsen very quickly. Some symptoms may even come and go, while others remain. Although each case is different, some symptoms commonly associated with MS include fatigue not related to physical activity, numbness and tingling, limb weakness, difficulty walking or loss of balance, and visual disturbance.

Holistic Treatment for MS

Since the nervous system is so unique and each case is different our Fort Worth chiropractor provides holistic treatment for MS patients. Dr. Michlin will examine you, discuss your symptoms and develop a specific treatment plan to help you deal with the many ways in which multiple sclerosis may be affecting your life. Our goal is to provide natural services that will help you live a life that is as full of vitality and as pain and symptom-free as possible.

Exciting new studies using upright MRI imaging have shown a direct correlation between the removal of upper cervical disturbance with Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic care and a reduction of MS symptoms. Depending on your symptoms your care plan may include AO chiropractic for MS, nutritional guidance, lifestyle advice and stress management techniques. Dr. Michlin is the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor in North Texas. This gentle technique for adjusting the upper cervical region and neck area may help relieve the pressure on the nerve endings and alleviate some of the symptoms associated with this condition. If you need relief from its pain, fatigue and weakness contact Back to Health Family Chiropractic and get back to health today!

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