Atlas Orthogonal for Auto Injuries

Atlas Orthogonal for Auto Injuries

woman in pain after auto accident in Fort Worth, TX

Did you know that even a “minor” fender bender can cause serious damage to your musculoskeletal system, leading to months or years of chronic neck pain and shoulder pain? Whiplash injuries occur when the force of a rear-impact accident “whips” the neck beyond its normal range of motion. Unfortunately, many accident victims assume that neck stiffness and soreness is simply a normal part of injury that will improve over time. While some minor cases may resolve themselves in a few weeks, moderate to severe whiplash injuries will not improve without proper treatment.

How Atlas Orthogonal Treats Auto Injuries & Whiplash Pain

At Back To Health Family Chiropractic, our Fort Worth chiropractor Dr. Chris Michlin holds an advanced certification in whiplash treatment. Dr. Michlin does not just manage your pain– his treatments relieve and eliminate pain at the source. Dr. Michlin specializes in the Atlas Orthogonal (AO) Adjusting Technique, as gentle and specific upper cervical care adjustment for bringing correct alignment back to the cervical spine after a car accident injury.

Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of chiropractic care for auto injuries and whiplash:

  1. Whiplash and auto injury pain will not “go away” on its own. Most moderate to severe cases of whiplash and auto injuries benefit from chiropractic intervention to correct alignment and eliminate pain at the source. Otherwise, a spinal misalignment will continue to compress nearby nerves and trigger pain.

  2. Atlas Orthogonal adjusting is gentle and safe. Atlas Orthogonal adjustments are gentle, safe and effective for treating whiplash pain. In addition to being a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist, Dr. Michlin is certified to offer a wide range of full spine adjusting techniques.

  3. Treat your pain at the source. Pain medication simply “numbs” the brain’s ability to perceive pain. Once drugs wear off, pain returns. Atlas Orthogonal adjustments correct the underlying misalignment responsible for your pain.

Contact Our North Texas Chiropractor

Don’t delay treatment! The faster your body gets the care that it needs, the faster the healing process can begin. Dr. Chris Michlin is the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor in North Texas. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment: 817-810-9111.

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